This week we have been working on stop motion animation. I wanted to some thing to do with Chistmas, So I did santa flying across the sky. I hope you enjoy!
Click here, for my video!
Welcome to my blog. I am a student at Karoro School in Greymouth, New Zealand.
Friday, 7 December 2018
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Social Studies,
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Thank You Letters
20 November 2018
Dear Gemma
Thank you for running our camp for us. We enjoyed your company and your help.
I learnt lots of new things about Arthur's Pass.
I learnt lots of new things about Arthur's Pass.
My favourite thing on camp was finding Brian.
Talking through the walkie talkie/radios to “Justine” was fun.📻 We would’ve got lost if we didn’t listen to
Kelly and Scott because we were going to go the wrong way. ⇦⇨
Talking through the walkie talkie/radios to “Justine” was fun.📻 We would’ve got lost if we didn’t listen to
Kelly and Scott because we were going to go the wrong way. ⇦⇨
I also enjoyed the river crossing but getting cold in the water not so much.
The water was very deep and clear. 🌊When you came out of the water the breeze pierced your legs.
The water was very deep and clear. 🌊When you came out of the water the breeze pierced your legs.
Another thing I enjoyed was the Spider's web challenge. 🕸
We all had to work in a team and participate and contribute.
I think the hardest square was the middle one, for me.
We all had to work in a team and participate and contribute.
I think the hardest square was the middle one, for me.
What I found challenging was the weather on the hike. When we got out of the bush it felt like a
never ending desert. 🌞
never ending desert. 🌞
Something I missed about home was definitely my BED.🛏
Thank you so much for teaching us on camp. It was nice doing outdoor learning, Instead of
being inside all day. I hope I get to go to Arthur's Pass again.👍
being inside all day. I hope I get to go to Arthur's Pass again.👍
Kind regards,
Monday, 26 November 2018
Wednesday, 21 November 2018
This year we went to Arthur's Pass for camp. We did lots of activities / team challenges. Also a hike, I hope you enjoy our slide show!
Monday, 5 November 2018
Descriptive Writing
At the moment in class we have been working on descriptive writing. We have been useing pictures for idea for ou work. Here is a piece of writing I did.
Click here for a link to the original work.
I notice there is a sign. It faintly says,” Miners homestead.”This place has been raided. For What? For Who? Why? Questions spin in my head. “Walk on,” I say. I walk on. “ STOP, WALK BACK.” A small pīngao(Golden, Yellow) nugget, sits under a leave! Gold! “Click,” everything clicked in my head. This place has been raided for gold and has been abandoned and forgotten about. This hut’s heart has been broken.
Click here for a link to the original work.
Miners Homestead
As I walk through the scary woods, I stand still. I sink. Down my feet go.
But where? Looking down, my feet have been swallowed by water logged moss.
Walk on, I think. The fresh smell of the blowing trees dance up my nose. But wait, there is a hut!
A abandoned hut with what looks like a young rich tree has smashed through the roof. Golden
Kākāiki leaves dance on the top of this cripple tree, creaking back and forth.
But where? Looking down, my feet have been swallowed by water logged moss.
Walk on, I think. The fresh smell of the blowing trees dance up my nose. But wait, there is a hut!
A abandoned hut with what looks like a young rich tree has smashed through the roof. Golden
Kākāiki leaves dance on the top of this cripple tree, creaking back and forth.
I stroke my hand up the bumpy walls. The hut looks like someone has slapped
a whole clump mortar and rocks togher. Half a job, I think! Walking in, the smell,
it is horrendously gross. It smells like a goat has died in horrible pain. In my sight I
see a pack of filthy, disgusting, horrible rats. Their red eye’s tell me to go. Looking
around again, there are holes in the tree roots. Someone or something has been digging here.
Old gin bottles have smashed everywhere.Tawhirimatea(God of the wind) blew some wind;
it creeped me out. I walk back out and inspect the hut again.
a whole clump mortar and rocks togher. Half a job, I think! Walking in, the smell,
it is horrendously gross. It smells like a goat has died in horrible pain. In my sight I
see a pack of filthy, disgusting, horrible rats. Their red eye’s tell me to go. Looking
around again, there are holes in the tree roots. Someone or something has been digging here.
Old gin bottles have smashed everywhere.Tawhirimatea(God of the wind) blew some wind;
it creeped me out. I walk back out and inspect the hut again.
I notice there is a sign. It faintly says,” Miners homestead.”This place has been raided. For What? For Who? Why? Questions spin in my head. “Walk on,” I say. I walk on. “ STOP, WALK BACK.” A small pīngao(Golden, Yellow) nugget, sits under a leave! Gold! “Click,” everything clicked in my head. This place has been raided for gold and has been abandoned and forgotten about. This hut’s heart has been broken.
Friday, 19 October 2018
Manu information report
Tui are endemic (witch mean are found nowhere else in the world) to
New Zealand . They are medium sized. From a distance Tui look
black but in a good light they have blue, green and bronze on its
body.. It has
what looks like a white pompom on its throat. The Tui has a
beautiful song
with a complicated mix of tunes and noises with coughs
and grunts.
The Tui is common and widespread in Forests, towns and cities.
They pair in groups and tend to nest in the same area each year.
In Hamilton they have recently started nesting in new areas
because habitat
has improved.
Tuis diet depends on which season it is for Nectar and fruits.
The normal diet is nectar and honey dew. Tui Will often shift to
better nectar, such as puriri, kowhai, fuchsia, rewarewa, flax, rata,
pohutukawa, gums and banksias. Sometimes if you are lucky enough
pigeons come along to where the tui are either eating berries or nectar.
The Tui start to dive bomb
the pigeons, it is really funny.
Tui lay their eggs from Maramaiwa(September) to Maramatahi
(January) . The nests are built by the female, it is a rough structure
of twigs and
sticks. A clutch( clutch Is the group of eggs produced by Birds) is 2-4
white pale pink eggs with reddish brown spots. Tui prefer to
feed their young
with fruit and instets.
Tui have been known to be attacked by magpies and
defend themselves against them. Some threats for the
Tui are: possums, feral cats, rats, stoats,ferrets, and destruction
of habitat. Chopping down tree ruins their habitat and they can be
killed by cars.

Monday, 17 September 2018
Monday, 10 September 2018
Reducing our Pastic Waste
This term we have been learning about their environment and how we can keep it clean. We have made fabric
bags to use instead of plastic bags. We have made beeswax wrap to wrap our food in instead of GLAD Wrap.
Our class is trying to encourage everyone to try and use less plastic. It was really fun and I want to do it again!
bags to use instead of plastic bags. We have made beeswax wrap to wrap our food in instead of GLAD Wrap.
Our class is trying to encourage everyone to try and use less plastic. It was really fun and I want to do it again!
How to make the beeswax wrap.
Firstly you get 100% pure cotton fabric. Then you can you put baking paper on the bottom of a tray then put
your 100% cotton fabric on top. Great some beeswax and put it on top of the 100% pure cotton fabric, after that
lay another layer of baking paper on top and get a hot Iron. Iron the fabric with the sheet of paper on top until the
beeswax has melted completely.Sometimes you miss the edges and there's no beeswax on them so just a put more
beeswax on the edges and melt it again.Once you are done put the beeswax wrap over a clothes horse; it will
only take 1 minute to dry.
your 100% cotton fabric on top. Great some beeswax and put it on top of the 100% pure cotton fabric, after that
lay another layer of baking paper on top and get a hot Iron. Iron the fabric with the sheet of paper on top until the
beeswax has melted completely.Sometimes you miss the edges and there's no beeswax on them so just a put more
beeswax on the edges and melt it again.Once you are done put the beeswax wrap over a clothes horse; it will
only take 1 minute to dry.
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
How We can Reduce Waste in our lunch Box
Where To Next? Connected, Level 4
Science/Social Science learning goals
We are learning to understand about the environments around us and the
negative of positive impact our actions can have on these environments.
negative of positive impact our actions can have on these environments.
Success criteria;
- identify some positive actions we can take at school and in
- our own lives to help our environment.
Task: Create an infographic showing people how they
can reduce their waste in their lunchbox.
can reduce their waste in their lunchbox.
Our co-constructed success criteria:
-Have a strong title/hook
-Use convincing language and images
-Have simple things people can do
-Use images (free to use)
-Use bullet points/ short sharp information
-Use correct punctuation and spelling.

Tuesday, 14 August 2018
Play Summary - Term 3 Weeks 1-2

For the next two weeks you are working in groups
to practise and perform a plays. This is using our oral
language and reading skills in literacy. Our key
competency focus is participating and contributing.
to practise and perform a plays. This is using our oral
language and reading skills in literacy. Our key
competency focus is participating and contributing.
For writing your task is to summarise the main
events in your play in three paragraphs.
You must plan your writing first but it is up
to you how you do your planning.
You must also write a fourth paragraph about your
experience of practising and performing your play.
events in your play in three paragraphs.
You must plan your writing first but it is up
to you how you do your planning.
You must also write a fourth paragraph about your
experience of practising and performing your play.
Yr 6
I am learning to organise my text into paragraphs which
begin with a main idea and contain supporting information/detail.
begin with a main idea and contain supporting information/detail.
I am learning to make links across paragraphs.
I am learning to use basic punctuation accurately.
I am learning to use dialogue punctuation accurately.
Yr 7
I am learning to use a range of different planning styles.
I am learning to plan my writing to suit the purpose of my writing.
I am learning to organise my ideas into paragraphs where the
ideas are clearly related and where there are links within and between paragraphs.
ideas are clearly related and where there are links within and between paragraphs.
I am learning to use basic punctuation accurately in my writing.
I am learning to use complex punctuation to enhance my writing e.g.
colons : and semi-colons ; , and parentheses ().
colons : and semi-colons ; , and parentheses ().
Success Criteria
I will be successful when I can/have
-summarised the play in three paragraphs
-made links across my paragraphs
-used some basic and complex punctuation correctly (speech marks).
Once you have finished your writing highlight these success
criteria green if you have met them and can show them in your work.
Highlight green in your work where you have met these success criteria.
criteria green if you have met them and can show them in your work.
Highlight green in your work where you have met these success criteria.
The Three Little Pigs!
In the first part of The Three Little kunekune (pig/s)s, Mother pig tells her
three children: Bill, Ben and Bert, to move out because they are to big to live
in with her any more. They agree to move out and build their own houses:
Bill made a house made out of straw, Ben built a house made out of sticks and
Bert made a house made out of bricks.
three children: Bill, Ben and Bert, to move out because they are to big to live
in with her any more. They agree to move out and build their own houses:
Bill made a house made out of straw, Ben built a house made out of sticks and
Bert made a house made out of bricks.
In the second part of this story they have lived happily until a wolf comes to town
and he was hungry for bacon. Bill the youngest kunekune
(pig/s), who lived in the house made of straw, got a knock
on the door. It was the wolf, he chanted, ”Little pig, little pig let me come in”.
Bill replies, ”No, not by the hair of my chinny chin chin”.
So the wolf the n huffed and puffed and blew the house made
of straw down. Bill then ran to his brothers house,
and he was hungry for bacon. Bill the youngest kunekune
(pig/s), who lived in the house made of straw, got a knock
on the door. It was the wolf, he chanted, ”Little pig, little pig let me come in”.
Bill replies, ”No, not by the hair of my chinny chin chin”.
So the wolf the n huffed and puffed and blew the house made
of straw down. Bill then ran to his brothers house,
ten. Ben had made a house out of sticks. The wolf visited
Ben and the same process happened.
Ben and the same process happened.
At the end of the Three little Pigs, Ben and Bill ran to Bert’s house.
Bert was the oldest and wisest brother. He built a house made out of bricks
. The wolf tried to blow Bert’s house down but Bert’s house was too strong.
The wolf had an idea; he was going to climb to the roof and slide down the
chimney and have his supper. The kunekune (pig/s) cried ,
”What shall we do”? Bert said, ”Let's not sit around and cry”,
because he had a plan. ”We shall put boiling water at the bottom of the chimney”.
The wolf went down the chimney and landed in the boiling water and became the kunekune (pig/s)s supper.
Bert was the oldest and wisest brother. He built a house made out of bricks
. The wolf tried to blow Bert’s house down but Bert’s house was too strong.
The wolf had an idea; he was going to climb to the roof and slide down the
chimney and have his supper. The kunekune (pig/s) cried ,
”What shall we do”? Bert said, ”Let's not sit around and cry”,
because he had a plan. ”We shall put boiling water at the bottom of the chimney”.
The wolf went down the chimney and landed in the boiling water and became the kunekune (pig/s)s supper.
When my group did our play one thing we did really well was practicing .
My group participated and contributed very well. Next time we can
work on facing the audience and being louder . WE work well with
our props we made and putting on voices.
My group participated and contributed very well. Next time we can
work on facing the audience and being louder . WE work well with
our props we made and putting on voices.
Friday, 10 August 2018
Keeping Ourselve Safe
how to keep ourselve safe. Some of the local police came to our sschool and help us with this topic. Here are some of the thing Ihave learnt.
Monday, 2 July 2018
Weeks 8-10 Space Literacy Tasks
Term 2 Weeks 9-10
Purpose of these reading activities is to:
increase our knowledge of space exploration
and understand how our knowledge and ideas about
space have changed over time (science). We are also learning
to read non-fiction texts and use our
writing skills to share our understanding of
this topic and our ideas (literacy).
Throughout this task we will need to use the skills of\
‘Thinking’ and using ‘Language, Symbols and Text.’
Learning Intentions
I am learning to skim and scan text to identify the main ideas.
I am learning to locate the key sentences and questions in texts.
I am learning to use sub-headings to guide me to the main ideas in text.
I am learning to summarise the main ideas in the texts I read.
(from the Karoro Programme of work for Reading)
I am learning to write well structured paragraphs.
Success Criteria
I will be successful when I can show….
-I have have scanned text to find key ideas.
-I have summarised the main ideas from the reading.
-I have put my answers in chronological order.
-I have written two well structured paragraphs \
explaining how some of our ideas about space have changed
over time (introductory sentence, supporting detail, concluding sentence).
Read the three paper based reading activities given to
you about Stephen Hawking, Galileo Galilei and The
Telescope. You will be put with a buddy to do this work.
We will mark and discuss our answers together as a class.
To add to our learning we will watch/
read and discuss these following videos or articles.
After we have completed these reading activities
and viewing and discussing the above materials your
task is to write at least two well structured paragraphs
explaining how our ideas about space have changed over time.
explaining how our ideas about space have changed over time.
Write your paragraphs here.
How Our Knowledge About Space Has Changed Over Time!
Over time people have created instruments that have caused
different ideas about space. Firstly, a Dutchman called Hans
Lippershey invented the first refracting telescope which allowed him
to look into our solar system. But the quality of his telescope was poor.
The following year Galileo Galilei built the first astronomical telescope
to look into the night sky. Galileo discovered, when looking at Jupiter,
he saw four objects orbiting the planet. He decided they were moons orbiting
Jupiter. When Galileo announced his ideas people didn’t believe him and thought
the four objects were stars. Galileo also argued the the earth went around the
sun rather than the sun going around earth.The local church disagreed with
that and they put him under house arrest. Later scientists over time proved
Galileo was correct. Over time people have been improving everyone designs
on the telescope, like Niccolo Zucchi (1616), Sir Isaac Newton( late 1600s) and
throughout the 1800s, telescopes( instrument ) grew in size. Over time the
technology has improved and that has allowed our thinking about space to
different ideas about space. Firstly, a Dutchman called Hans
Lippershey invented the first refracting telescope which allowed him
to look into our solar system. But the quality of his telescope was poor.
The following year Galileo Galilei built the first astronomical telescope
to look into the night sky. Galileo discovered, when looking at Jupiter,
he saw four objects orbiting the planet. He decided they were moons orbiting
Jupiter. When Galileo announced his ideas people didn’t believe him and thought
the four objects were stars. Galileo also argued the the earth went around the
sun rather than the sun going around earth.The local church disagreed with
that and they put him under house arrest. Later scientists over time proved
Galileo was correct. Over time people have been improving everyone designs
on the telescope, like Niccolo Zucchi (1616), Sir Isaac Newton( late 1600s) and
throughout the 1800s, telescopes( instrument ) grew in size. Over time the
technology has improved and that has allowed our thinking about space to
Over thousand of years our ideas have changed about
our position in our solar system. Firstly, people used to
believe we were the centre of the universe because they believed we
were gods creatures and therefore we were the centre.
In the second century a man named Ptolemy discovered that earth
was the centre of the Universe (this is what he thought at that time).
He thought that the sun/ Rā and all the planets were in a circular
orbit around Papatūānuku(earth). Then Nicolas Copernicus
(1473– 1543) reconstructed Ptolemy’s model of our Universe.
He discovered that the sun was the centre of our solar system and
all the other planets orbit it. Later on scientist like Galileo have proved
we move around the sun. This shows that over time the the ideas about
our position in space have changed.
our position in our solar system. Firstly, people used to
believe we were the centre of the universe because they believed we
were gods creatures and therefore we were the centre.
In the second century a man named Ptolemy discovered that earth
was the centre of the Universe (this is what he thought at that time).
He thought that the sun/ Rā and all the planets were in a circular
orbit around Papatūānuku(earth). Then Nicolas Copernicus
(1473– 1543) reconstructed Ptolemy’s model of our Universe.
He discovered that the sun was the centre of our solar system and
all the other planets orbit it. Later on scientist like Galileo have proved
we move around the sun. This shows that over time the the ideas about
our position in space have changed.
Self assessment
I have an introductory sentence for each paragraph:
I have at least three sentences giving supporting detail:
I have a concluding sentence: 
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