Thursday, 17 December 2020

Cannibal Gorge

Cannibal Gorge

On the 15 of December on a wickedly hot Tuesday morning, three out of the six year eights went for a hike to Cannibal Gorge hut. Berinie(summer dad),Ms Kemp, Neaveah, Summer and me all went. We left school at 8;30 am, heading to Cannibal Gorge going through Reefton and Spring junction. At Reefton we stopped to get our tickets from the I-site. The Isite was closed and didn't open until 10am, so we went for a stroll to get a Hot choc and some lollies to waste some time. We had a quick look around at the mines and bird sculptures, went to the toilet then headed up to Cannibal Gorge.

As soon as we got to the car park I took off my thermal because of the heat and put on a hat and sunscreen on. Through my backpack over my shoulders and we set off. The first part was a steady downhill to a swing bridge over a river. After the downhill we started to climb again. The climb was quite steep and quite long. Neveah Didn't feel well so we set a slow pace so she would feel better. She felt like she was going to spew. I felt really bad for her because she was in alot of pain. The walk in felt like it was going forever and wasn't going to finish. But once we got to the last swingbridge there was the last really big hill. It was a big push put once we were at the end we could see the hut I was so pleased.

At the hut we took out our raincoat, put them in Ms Kemp’s pack and walked to the other hut 45 minutes away called the Ada Pass. Neveah still didn't feel well but we went on. Past half way she really felt sick. So we turned around and walked back to the Cannibal Gorge hut.It was quite fun for Summer and myself because we had lots of energy out of nowhere. We were jumping over big trees and dodging rocks. We also got these tiny sticks that made a weird nose if you blew through it. By the time we got back to the hut it was still extremely hot. We jumped into our togs,ran around the hut one hundred times to make ourselves really hot so we weren't cold when we jumped in. Walked to the river. I climbed a big tree that had fallen over. I was going to jump in from there but the river was too shallow. Neveah was the first to go under, then me, then summer. Neveah stayed in for so long! We floated down the rapids and then got out to warm up on the rocks.The water was cold in togs; It would have been perfect with a wetsuit.

We cooked Dinner with Summer’s jetboil cooker. She and her had boiled the water for our backcountry dinner. After dinner we roast some marshmallows over the hut fire. We then walked out to the field to tell each other scary stories. Once Ms kemp finished hers she scared me so bad that I jumped out of the spot I was sitting in. Summer also came up to me 3 times and scared me good every time. Once Ms Kemp said the scary story all of us girls were scared. We started sleeping a metre away from every one.But once we heard loud noises we were sleeping 3 centimetres apart!

In the morning we tried to make pancakes but that failed because the oil that we didn't bring.But the bacon was delicious. It fueled us up to tramp the way out. We only had two big stops to eat and have a break. The walk out felt a lot faster because we were talking the whole time about our dream houses! It helped a lot to get our mind off what we were actually doing.I was so relieved to finish. My feet had a lot of blisters and sores.

My favorite part was on the way back from Ada Pass because we had a lot of energy so we were jumping over logs. I had a lot of fun doing this tramp. I do wonder what it would have been like with the rest of the class. Maybe very noisy.

Once we had finished

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Summer Learning Journey

For a challenge for the summer learning  journey we had to use a wesite called Art Colouring Book. We had to pick a picture and colour it in with a differnt colour. I changed the colour of her robe.Thenext one I changed the colour of the table.



Friday, 20 November 2020


 He aha ‘Mana’

What does the word ‘mana’ mean to you and how is it shown in your actions, in your school, in your whanau, in your local, national and global community?

I feel that the word mana can't be translated into one word in the English dictionary. Mana means to me that people should be all treated the same. Mana is confidence to fight for your rights to challenge people,to find your belonging.




Monday, 9 November 2020



Cook Island Artwork





Story behind diwali

Diwali is the festival of lights, usually lasting 5 days and celebrated by

millions of people around the world for New Years. It is also a festival

of a new beginning and the triumph of good over evil and light over

darkness.Diwali originated in India and is strongly linked to the Hindu


Day 1: Card games, gambling and purchasing gold and metals are common

for the first day.

Day 2: Known as Naraka Chaturdasi or Chhoti Diwali/ demon effigies are

burned in Goa.

Day 3: New Moon day; the most significant day of the festival in North

and West India.

Day 4: Meaning varies across India including the start of a new year

victory over Demon King Bali.

Day 5: Known as Bhai Duj; celebrates Sisterhood.

The festival is mainly about the renewal of life, and bringing light to replace

darkness. Like the chinese new year and diwali there are similarities. In the

Chinese New Year they exchange gifts, light candles and use firecrackers

and fireworks. This also happens in the Diwali festival. Diwali cultures also

celebrate by making rangoli patterns like these.

There are some people who make fun of other cultures.  They mock the clothes,

accents, foods, jobs, festivals and achievements of those cultures. We think

mocking people's accents could be offensive to some people because they can't

help sounding like that .People who mock are probably not used to it and it is

something new to them. 

The Story of Diwali



Thursday, 22 October 2020

Okū Tae

Link to my book about Okū Tae

Over the last couple of week my Te reo Māori class has been working on being abe to match colours with objects and say it in a sentance . I have made a book to show my learning. We had to use picture that were only in our class. 

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Cycle Trail

 On the 22 of September My class and I went for a 34 km bike ride on the Wilderness Cycle Trail  from Milltown to Kapitea Reservoir. We started biking around 9:30 but we had to be at the school by ten past eight. We finished around 3:30.  

We drove to  Hokitika, past Lake Kaniere and to Miltown where we stopped. I went up with my dad in his shuttle van with a couple of my friends. It was fun because we were listening to music and doing tik toks.  Once we got out of the van lots of the mountain bikes weren't up to the ride. Some bikes had flat tyres or the brakes had been tightened too much so they were braking by themselves without even using the brakes. So I helped my Dad to fix them. At this point the weather was drizzle and damp but luckily I came equipped with the right equipment; like a rain jacket!

I got out and put Billie’s seat down using the tool from my dad's trailer. The seat couldn't go down any further and It was even a little low for her but she didn't feel confident with it higher so I biked with her. She was also not used to the two chain rings and using her thumb for changing gears. The start of the ride was me biking with Billie to help her get used to it. Right at the start of the ride there was this really cute black calf that was just cruising around watching all the bikers go past. For a little bit at the start it was flat  through a paddock with a river running under a hill. Then we came to a hill where it looked as if it went forever. It wasn't that steep but for bikers that didn't do much biking it was a challenge. I helped a lot of the people with using their gears so it was easier to ride up the hill. 

As soon we were at the top of the hill we were at Cowboy’s Paradise. As soon as I got there people were telling me not to skid because they had gotten in trouble. They said they got yelled at by a man with not a very good temper and not a good vocabulary range for 12 year kids! 

The second stage was pretty hard. We had to bike up a hill and it was long and steep. The person I was biking with gave up so I kept on biking because I wanted to challenge myself. It felt like I had to pedal hard or I would fall all the way back down the hill.   I rode all the way to the top and I was pretty happy with myself. One thing that was annoying was when people stopped in the middle of the track and some people were on a roll determined to get up the hill but there was no space for them to pass. It is of course hard to start on a sloped angle so those people had to walk. 

When I looked down from all the zigzag hill I saw all the boys stuck behind the tandem bike because they weren't allowed to pass the adult on that bike. That made me laugh quite a lot .

After that there was a steady hill we climbed again but it wasn't too steep. I was talking to my friends most of the way. We finally got to the down hill part and, boy, were we flying down that down hill! At the bottom of the hill we had to climb again! But it wasn't too long. We stopped at Kawahaka intake for lunch. It was good to eat some food because I was hungry.

The last stage for me was the trickiest because I was tired and there were hills. It felt as if the ride was never going to end. At this point I had to put in all my effort/energy into pedaling up the last hills and to finish. As soon as we got to the end I wanted to go home. I was knackered!

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

What Now

 What Now?

On 13th of September room 7 and  room 8 went to Shantytown to film What Now. I went up in the car with Donna Hampton, Billie, Wairini and Summer. It was fun on the way up because we were listening to music and singing.We had to wake up at 10 past 6 in the morning.  We had to be at Shantytown at 7 and we started going live at 8.

We were introduced to Erin the present, Matt the cameraman, Matt the props plus and Morgan the producer. They were all really nice and funny. One thing I noticed was that Erin was like two people. When she was off the camera she was so chill but when the camera came on she had so much energy and it was quite funny.

At the start of the show we did a scene on the train where Erin, the presenter, would put her head out of the window and introduce our school and the segment we were doing. We had to wait around quite awhile before we did it live and we also had to practice two times. 

The bad thing was that we had to wait lots and lots in between ads and studio videos.One break was for 20 minutes! So that wasn't very exciting. I also thought we would be busy the whole time. Like having water fights and being asked questions etc… There was a lot of waiting around. When we were gold panning my group didn't share so I didn't get to have a turn. I think What Now should try to include everyone as best as they can.

We did lots of little bits but my favourite was when we got to gunge Mrs Newton. It was funny because the gunge was blue and her goggles came off from the weight of the gunge. I also liked at the end where everyone got foamed.

At the end of the show I couldn't wait to get home because my arm was sore and I was cold.It Was kinda funny because when we were live I choked on some saliva and I was coughing and going red and if you look back I look so grumpy! 

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Friday, 11 September 2020


 Lake Daniels

On the 9th of September  Room 8 went for a day tramp to Lake Daniell. For preparation to go on the tramp we had to learn about hyperthermia and what we need to pack in our backpacks. We also had to do an imovie around our learning about “leave no trace.”The tramp was 8.4 km one way.  We had to be at school at 8 o'clock in the morning. We left school by 25 past 8. Before we left we also had to show Ms Kemp our wet weather gear, just in case it rained.

 I went up in a car with Tim Robbins, my Grandad, James, Indi and myself. The car ride up was good because we talked lots about planes, motorbike farms etc. On the way there and back we went through Lewis Pass. It was so windy. 

My favourite part was getting to the lake. It was my favourite part because you could see the lake for a little before you got to the hut and I got excited. I also liked how we had lunch right next to the lake. I had noodles for lunch so I was happy. 

I also liked when we had a moss fight. But we soon got caught and sent to the back. I understand the destruction we did to nature and how they might have been homes to tiny insects,but the fantails would love eating the bugs we turned over! Jokes! I felt bad  about what we did.

It was harder on the way back towards the end because we were going fast. The view was so pretty and the day was so sunny. I had lots of fun with my friends. 

When we headed home from the tramp I felt sick. So we stopped at reefton for some air. My Grandad said he would have got us ice cream but he thought no because I would probably throw it up. Damm! We did this tramp for the William Pike challenge. I like doing stuff outside of the classroom. I can't wait till our next tramp!

Wild Things Slide Show


Wednesday, 2 September 2020



Magazine - read at least three articles from within a magazine. Write a paragraph about your thoughts about your favourite part


This week I read a magazine called wild things.It was a magazine all around “ who eats who.” Wild Things is a magazine that is all about nature and wildlife in New Zealand. I enjoyed doing this reading because we also did work around it in class . My favorite part was; Where animals eat and what animals eat. I also like reading an article about why we shouldn't through scraps into nature because it can endanger wildlife.. I enjoyed this magazine very much.

Friday, 28 August 2020

Forces and Motion day

 Forces and Motion day

On Wednesday the 19 of august karoro school did a forces in motion day.

This is where we were put into groups with a range of year groups

scattered in them. The year rolled older people in the school had to be

good role models for the younger students because there was usually

only one teacher in the class.  The classes were easier for the older classes . 

The first class I went to was with Mrs Robbins in room 7 learning about

static electricity. To get the balloon charged we either used our hair by

rubbing it on our head or by using a wollen rag and rubbing it on the balloon.

I learnt alot about different things we could use to move with static electricity.

I didn't know that you could move water (slow running tap water) with a

charged balloon . Or pencils!

The second group I went to was in the library with  Mrs Mears and Mrs

barber. They are from shanty town and came in for the day to teach us

with their workshop. The first thing we did was a competition to see who

could make the fastest moving simple machine . We used a box, tarpaulin,

rope and stilts. We used the rope to pull the person in the box. We won

with the fastest time to get to the finish line. We also did one more task

where there was a ramp with a smooth surface like tarpaulin. We  how fast

it would go and what object would go faster compared to another object.

For the last workshop I went to room 6  to make Worllie gigs. They were

already cut out so all we had to do was decorate them and cut them if we

wanted to. I help little kids with decorating there and cutting. 

The day was really fun and I hope that we do more days like this in the

future because I had lots of fun. I also learn alot about Forces and



 Picture Books: read at least three picture books from within the classroom. Write a paragraph about  your favourite book. Remember to include the storyline and the illustrations in your response.

This week for ssr I read three picture books from room eights bookshelves. My favourite book was “ The Legend of the Kea” because the story was interesting and hooked the reader in. I really enjoyed reading it!

 Movement Illusion

Remember that november

  The legend of the kea

Ballon Car


Conservation Week Poetry

Te Maunga

I wake up in the morning to hear the song of Te Moana singing, 

Gently, waves whisper with a tune,  

trees dress me, 

Trampers tickle me and make me pleasantly warm.

I see beautiful sights, 

palm trees dancing the hula,

 clouds doing their hair, birds collecting kai.

I smell the fragrance of churning soil as mountain pigs look for food,

 a whiff of freshly cut grass goes up my nose and makes me high, 

I feel the community's love when tamariki planting  new life on me.   

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Simple Machines

This week we have been learning about simple machines. We learnt that there are six
different simple machines called a pulley, inclined plane, wheel and axle, screw, lever and a
wedge.We did a poster all around it and we also colored it in.We also had to design a playground with
every obstacle is a type of simple machine . I had no idea what a simple machine was before
we learnt about this topic. I found difficulty remembering all the special qualities that fit under
every section. 

Tuesday, 4 August 2020


Poetry - read at least ten poems and Write a paragraph about your favourite one.
When I was a Bird
This week I read 10 poems. My favourite was the poem that talked about how all kids
want to spend their whole day doing work and washing dishes etc… I found that quite funny.That poem was called ‘All About Boys and Girls.’ Poems I read:  
  • My Sister Laura Spike Milligan
  • Apple Lauris Edmond
  • I’ll tell you a Story Anon
  • The horse and the Flea Anon
  • They’re Calling Felice Holman
  • The Tree House James K. Baxter
  • All About Boys and Girls John Ciardi
  • The Friendly Cinnamon Bun Russel Hoban
  • Sparrow CliveSansom
  • Cats Eleanor Farjeon

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Song Lyrics -SSR

Song Lyrics - Locate and read the lyrics from at least three songs of your choice.
Write a paragraph about your favourite lyrics.

This week I read a couple of song lyrics by one of my favorite songwriters and singers. His name is lewis Capaldi and he's from the United kingdom. I listened to ; “Grace”, “Hold me while you wait” and “One.” These are only a couple of my favorite songs of his. I like his music because He writes his songs himself and from experience. His songs almost sound sad but they are about things close to him. They are catchy and good songs to sing along to. My favorite lyric was in the song “One” when he made some alliteration, He said, “You broke your heart down with ease , Now I'm picking up every piece ,You must be so hard to please.” I like his voice and recommended listening to his music!

Links to the songs

Hold me While You Wait

Friday, 24 July 2020

Wednesday, 22 July 2020


Magazine - read at least three articles from within a magazine. Write a paragraph about
your thoughts about your favourite part

Wild Things
This week I read a magazine about small and unusual inects that are relly cool or that are native to NZ. My favourte part was the section where there were photos of insects or animals that people had found around there home or living in there garden! I especially liked this magazine because it tought me about insects and animals that I had never heard of before, like this bug that looked like a caterpillar or a worm but really its called a peripatus!
Worm? Insect?

Tuesday, 21 July 2020


For matariki this year we made stars out of wool and card.

Friday, 3 July 2020

Thursday, 2 July 2020

20 Māori words

Beach Cookout

Beach Cookout

Today Room eight walked down to Watson’s Creek for a beach cookout. We did this for the William Pike challenge for the outdoor activity section.There were seven teams, all with a parent or caregiver from some students in the class. My group included Cooper, Hamish, Phoebe and myself. Phoebe and myself worked really well together but the boys found it hard to do a job. That made it hard for me because when Phoebe and myself had our hands full the boys were wondering or finding it hard to do something.

My favourite bit was when we got to eat our food. We made bacon butties, home made chips and banana pancakes. My favourite meal was the bacon butties because the bacon was cooked to the perfect crunch.

We started our fire by using the teepee shape. This shape worked really well for the structure of the fire we were looking for. We used tinder and kindling to start it and then started adding bigger sticks to get it going . Once the fire got going we let it burn done a little bit and started to make a criss cross pattern . We did this so when the fire got done to embers it was the right temperature and structure for the pan. We put the fire out by using cones to put water in and using sand to cool down the embers. We used sand and water to put out the fire because it smothers the flame.

Something I learnt was that embers on the fire are really good for cooking things on the pan, like pancakes and smores! The learning we did before going down to the beach, about campfire safety, really helped as well.

Me eating my chips!

Cooking the pancakes

Monday, 29 June 2020

Campfire Saftey

Safe Campfire 
Being safe around fire is important. Keeping well away from power lines, overhanging limbs, buildings,
automobiles, equipment, rotten stumps, shrubs, dry grass and leaves. Don't have your fire more than
half a meter tall and wide because of the risk of it getting out of control. Having a bucket of water close
by is handy to put out any fire that is not wanted or dangerous.

Different Ways to Build a Campfire

You will need 3 types of fuel;Tinder, Kindling and fuel wood. Tinder is anything that can catch fire
quickly. KIndling is a group of small sticks that burn longer than tinder to help light your  fuel wood.
Fuel wood is the large logs that can burn for long periods of time.

Teepee Design
Put the tinder and the kindling in the middle and build a cone of smaller logs around it. Once the fire is going
strong you can gather the wood and embers and put on some larger logs. Don't smother the flame.
Log Cabin Design
Lay down a couple large logs with a gap between them.Then place a couple of logs across like your building
a log cabin. Leave a little space in the middle for air flow, tinder and kindling. Add some more layers with smaller
logs. When the structure is ready add some more tinder and kindling, then light it up.

Pyramid Design
Lay four large logs to the bottom with no space in between them. Add another layer of slighter smaller logs
across the first layer. Continue adding layers until you have the smallest piece at the top. Pile your kindling
and tinder to the top of the pyramid and light it up. 

Extinguish the Fire
When you're ready to put out the fire, pour a bucket of water over the fire and stir the embers around until they’re
cold to touch. Make sure you don't leave the fire until it's completely out.