At The Marae
On the 5th and 6th of March we went to Arahura Marae. At the start we went through the powhiri process. This was very interesting. I have never done a powhiri process before, so this was all new to me.
After the powhiri process we had morning tea, which was cake and savouries. After morning tea we went down to the river to try and find some green stone. Only a couple of people got to find greenstone because apparently greenstone comes to you.
Later on we went down to the beach to make beach sculptures. We weren't allowed to go very far though because some people couldn't walk very far. We worked with the sand that was muddy and smelly. Slowly we walked back up from the beach back to the marae and had a snack. We had two biscuits and it was very filling because I was so hungry.
After that we had to get our beds ready for sleeping. We had trouble finding enough mattresses for everyone, but eventually we found a cupboard stowed away with heaps of mattresses .
By the time dinner was done and the smores were eaten, stories were told and mattresses were ready. Some people smelt from the beach but just the group that worked in the mud.
I didn't get much sleep because it was hot and I didn't have a pillow(Carving creeped me out too).
In the morning we went for a walk. It wasn’t the best, because on the way back I got caked in mud from Clem, but I got him back.
In conclusion we went to the river, the beach and for a walk to Lake Mahinapua. I have learnt lots, and I also had lots of fun.I learnt about the carving and the stories behined them.I also learnt the body parts about the Marae.