Thursday, 12 December 2019

Teaser Week New Similes

New Similes

The wind took the door like a bomb exploding

My feet hurt so bad it felt like I was standing on LEGO.

I cried so hard my eyes where like the ocean waves.

The grass was so wet it was like walking in a puddle.

Teaser Week summer learning Journey

For this activity we  interviewed three friends and ask them what they are
proud of. It could be something that they, or someone in their family,
have accomplished.  This is what they said:

Summer said "I am proud of my accomplishments in my Maths test results
and athletics running"

Sam said " I am also proud of my reading resluts they inproved by alot."

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Lordes Profile

For the summer learning journey teaser week we had to make a profile about Lorde and write down some facts about her. I hope you learn something new.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

NZ Bird Collage

We have been learning to make a collage on Google Drawing. We had to use the explore, mask and arrange tools to get our collage to come together. We had to make a NZ bird and put it into its habitat. It was a lot of fun and I am really pleased with my bird. It was challenge to try and find texures for the blue that would look like it was attached to his body. Have you ever had a go at this?

Thursday, 31 October 2019

Friday, 25 October 2019

Korero O Te Wiki

WE are learning to pronounce simple te reo moari phrases.

Korero O Te Wiki

WE are learning to pronounce simple te reo moari phrases.

Friday, 27 September 2019

Kowhaiwhai Artwork

Our Kowhaiwhai Artwork 
By Billie & Hannah 

This year in He Kakano we have been learning about Kowhaiwhai patterns and our challenge was to design and create our own Kowhaiwhai pattern. Before we could paint on a canvas, we had to practice what we were going to paint. We chose to do a very modern design with a 3D aspect. We are very happy with how our artwork turned out. 

The top pattern means strength, to be strong when things are hard and to be strong when you believe in yourself. The bottom one means to be strong for other people when things are hard for them, and can also mean journey. 

The design with the diamonds stands for everyone being different and who you are. Is means everyone has a different body shape, personality, looks and the way that you do things. 

The pattern in the middle with the flower means flourishing life. Things are going well and the environment around you is doing well. Above with the koru means family and friends or the people you are close with. 

This design with the rectangles means that you accomplish new challenges and skills and they stay with you for the rest of your life.

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Tuesday, 10 September 2019


Today for digital litercy we learn how to do stop animation and change the code so the slide would go with out using your keypad. I hope you enjoy.

Monday, 5 August 2019

Thursday, 25 July 2019

He Kakano Term 2 2019 Location and directions

In he kakano this term we were learning to Communicate about location and direction in te reo māori.

Friday, 5 July 2019

Wednesday, 3 July 2019


We are learning to write an information report.
 Success Criteria:
 We will plan and then write an information report on a topic of our choice related to bees.

Our report will:
  • Be interesting!
  • Give information about a topic of our choice related to bees.
  • Show a clear link to our planning.
  • Start with an opening statement about our topic.
  • Have at least 3 paragraphs.  Each paragraph will have an opening statement and a series of facts related to that
  • statement.
  • Include some complex or compound sentence structures.
  • Include at least one diagram, photograph, illustration or map to go with the text.
  • Finish with a general statement about the topic.
  • Use information from at least 3 different sources.  This information will be written in our own words and we will write
  • down our sources at the end of our report.

What Would Our World Be Like Without Bees?
A world without bees could not sustain us. Humans would lose up to ½ the amount of fruit and
vegetables and they affect up to 90 percent of what people eat which would mean we will lose
\ most of our vitamins and that will affect our health. If we had no bees, the flowers that
produce fruit would not be pollinated and would not grow into a fruit or a vegetable. We would
lose carrots, apples, lemons, onions, melons, nuts, honey and so on.

If bees went extinct animals will lose their prey.This would have a massive impact for
food webs. If the bees just disappear there would be a big gap in our ecosystem and it
would be very hard to fill. If bees died off it will have a massive impact on humanity.
Bees pollinate clover which is food to feed animals that produce dairy and meat. By destroying
a key link in the food chain we will possibly have to change our way of life.
Image result for food web with beesImage result for bees pollinating a flower
Why are we losing bees?
Bees are declining by a frightening rate. Bees are dying out from colony collapse disorder, 
varroa mites, global warming and pesticides. During the winter months the varroa mite
sucks the bees blood, attacks developing young or larvae and weakens the body.  One third
of the UK's bee population has disappeared over the past decade and the situation has gotten
so bad that some farmers have to pollinate flowers by hand. 

Ways to help bees from not going extinct
 Bees are all about nectar and pollen. If you want to support bees you could plant a
variety of different plants that bees will feed on. Allow a few leafy vegetables in your home
garden to "bolt," or go to seed after harvest. Support your local beekeepers. If you have
kids it would be very important that you teach them the interdependence of a living creature.
Image result for shovel pngImage result for pot plant png

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Bee Experts

Learning Intentions
We are learning to understand the importance of bees in nature
through learning about pollination and interdependence.
We are learning to take key information from an information report
and write it in our own words. 
Writing task: Bee experts
Write a paragraph about how bees pollinate flowers. 

The paragraph should:
  • Have a heading.
  • Have a minimum of four sentences.
  • Explain how bees pollinate flowers.
  • Tell us why this is important.
  • Be aimed for Miss Ireland’s class so they can understand this.
  • Be written in your own words.
  • Use your photo of your flower cut in half.
  • Use an additional photo or diagram if you wish.

How Do Bees Pollinate?

Have you ever wondered how flowers get pollinated or how bees pollinate them?
Bees are very important to us humans and other animals on the food chain. These
are critical pollinators.  They pollinate things you wouldn't even think of, such as
tomatoes, lemons nuts, apples, carrots and so on. This is crucial because we
would only have two thirds of the food in the supermarkets if it weren't for bees.
We would also have less vitamins than we have now. 

 So how do Bees pollinate? 

The innocent bee goes into the flower looking for nectar but doesn't know it's
getting set up to reproduce the flower seeds. As the bee goes into the flower
to get the nectar it gets pollen brushed on it from the anther (male part) part
of the flower. When the bee has done it's stuff( eating), it goes  to the next flower
where the pollen brushes off it and onto the stigma (female part). This is fertilizing
the seeds so the flower can reproduce. The pollen from that flower can only go to
the same species of flower. 

Image result for flower parts

Wednesday, 19 June 2019


At The Marae

On the 5th and 6th of March we went to Arahura Marae.  At the start we went through the powhiri process. This was very interesting. I have never done a powhiri process before,  so this was all new to me.

After the powhiri process we had morning tea, which was cake and savouries. After morning tea we went down to the river to try and find some green stone. Only a couple of people got to find greenstone because apparently greenstone comes to you.

Later on we went down to the beach to make beach sculptures. We weren't allowed to go very far though because some people couldn't walk very far. We worked with the sand that was muddy and smelly. Slowly we walked back up from the beach back to the marae and had a snack. We had two biscuits and it was very filling because I was so hungry.

After that we had to get our beds ready for sleeping. We had trouble finding enough mattresses for everyone, but eventually we found a cupboard stowed away with heaps of mattresses .

By the time dinner was done and the smores were eaten, stories were told and mattresses were ready. Some people smelt from the beach but just the group that worked in the mud.

I didn't get much sleep because it was hot and I didn't have a pillow(Carving creeped me out too).

In the morning we went for a walk. It wasn’t the best, because on the way back I got caked in mud from Clem, but I got him back.

In conclusion we went to the river, the beach and for a walk to Lake Mahinapua. I have learnt lots, and I also had lots of fun.I learnt about the carving and the stories behined them.I also learnt the body parts about the Marae.

Friday, 14 June 2019

Lake Daniell Tramp

WALT: manage any type of risk that could happen and how we will prevent it.

On Wednesday the 12th of June Room 1 and Room at the lake Daniel walk. We had to be at school by 8:30 we left school at 8:40.  Mrs Kemp and Mrs Robins were teachers that walked with us. Also we had parents help.

We drove to Reefton that took about an hour. At Reefton  we stopped at the public toilets .When we got to the public toilets we got to get out of our cars and stretch our legs and go for a run on the field.After Reefton we drove past Springs Junction and w drove a little bit further to the marble hill campsite. Then we started the track.

Once we have started the track we stopped 15 minutes in. The start of the track was very easy and it ended up that the rest was easy as well. After the first stop we walked half an hour then we got to have a snack .

At the end of the track there was builders working on the new lake Daniell Hut. The lake was very cold but very beautiful at the same time. The lake was a very deep and it had a slight ripple with the mountains surrounding it. There was a small jetty that most people liked standing on.

Things I really enjoyed about the trip was how the bush look the same, also how everyone was trying to find Long Tail bat holes. I also really enjoyed spending time with my friends and finding special thing in the beautiful dense bush.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

The four umbles of hypothermia.

The four umbles of hypothermia.
WALT: manage risks on a winter tramp in  the Southern
Mumbles  is an early stage of hypothermia. This
is when the victim is finding it hard to speak or they mix up

Stumbles is also an early stage of hypothermia.
This is when the victim finds it very hard to move, gets clumsy,
and big limbs find it hard to co-ordinate. 🏕🌲

Grumbles is when you get a bad temper.
 Their personality will change.😕💣

Fumbles is when the victim might be finding it hard
to do small things such as zipping up a bag. It also might be hard to
move your hand or pick something up.👕👢

Monday, 27 May 2019

Scratch Animation

WALT: Get movement of sprite across the space, Also to have a speech bubble appear and disappear.

Tuesday, 30 April 2019


Clines are inportant because they help us choose strong words for our persuasive writing.

Friday, 12 April 2019

Callaghans's Ridge

Yesterday we for a walk at Callaghans's Ridge.Rooms 1 and 8 came including Miss Kemp, Mrs Truman, also some parents came to supervise. We  all walk in one big group.
We went down on the 11/4/19 at 9:15am. We came back about 2:45 pm. The season at the time was Autumn. 
At the start of the track it started to rain. So it was a little bit slippery. There was also alot of mud.I slipped over two times beacuse there wa slots of roots sticking out.
We went down to learn new skills about outdoor activity. We had lots of fun learning new things; like what was  in the bush. there was lots of bird I saw tomtits,south island fantails and a kea! At one stage when we were walking I smelt goat or deer.
WE made our bivy's with tarpaulin and rope. We had turns caring the tarpaulin and the rope. Our team worked really well toghther. In my team was Lincon, Daniel, Hannah and Cailan.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Quick Write

WALT: use adjectives and similes (also other language fetures) to describe a setting clearly

The lighting cracked the sky into shattered pieces of glass. A weak smell of smoke crawled up my nose making me sneeze. The thunder pushed me under my skin, and my eyes  rolled deeper in my skull. My hair was wet and damp like a dog after a swim. The winds stole the front door and ran it over like a buffalo stampede. I hide my body deeper and deeper into the damp flour sacks. The sales of the mill itched the bolts loose.

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Beach Cook Out

Success Criteria:    In teams we will
  • Design a menu suitable for cooking on a campfire
  • Keep within a $5 budget
  • Share the jobs and food provision fairly between team members
  • Bring along all equipment we need to cook with/on/in
  • Work cooperatively to cook our meal

Today we went down to the Karoro beach Watson creek by the Tasman Sea.Rooms 1 and 8 came including Miss Kemp, Mrs Glue and Mrs Maclean, also some parents came to supervise. We were all in groups. I was in a groups ith Lincon, Daniel, Hannah and Cailan.
We went down on the 3/4/19 at 11am. We came back about 12:30 pm. The season at the time was Autumn, this meant it was open fire season. We didn't need a pernit even though we had one.

We went down to learn new skills around the campfire or outdoor activity. We had lots of fun learning new things around the camp fire.
We went down to make a camfire. We were had to find tinder,kindling and bigger sticks. We lade then into a t-p shape. As soon as the fire was going we started to add bigger bits of wood to it. When the fire was nice and small with only embers we added our food. Our group deciced to cook spagetti baked potatoes and banana split. I bought the spagetti,untensils and plates/bowels. Lincon brought potates and the pan. Hannah brought the brown sugur and garlic butter. Daniel brought sour cream and chease. Cailen brought paper towels,tin foil and bananas.

The food we cooked was so good. When we do it again I would be more organized earler.

Spagetti cooking

prepering the bananas

Just liked the bowels clean

Cleaning our pan

cooking the banans splits

baked paotos are ready

so much chocolate

Stop Kissing My Sister, Reading Work

Stop Kissing my Sister     SJ 4.2.06

  1. Make a list of all the characters in this story and all the facts
  2. you can find out about them
Josh= he is jealous of Amy having all the attention.Gets
embarrassed easy.Mum=she is loving, soft(doesn't yell),
Dad= proud of his son.Amy=gentill, funny

  1. Why did Josh think that everybody likes his sister better
  2. than him?
Because Amy  always gets more attention
than him and she gets special attention
  1. Choose 5 words from the story that are new,
  2. difficult or interesting to you.  Write your own sentence for
  3. each one showing that you understand what the words
  4. means.  Write down why you think the author has used
  5. each of these words.
He was Pashing my sister, She was wearing skimpy
clothes She was puckered ready to kiss. I think the author
used skimpy to let us know something about this skimpy
girl, The used
  1. You are Baggy Pants.  Tell your part in this story from
  2.  your point of view. Make sure that you come off as being a
  3.  hero and Amy and her family are shown to be very strange.
Hi my name is Tom and Im dating Amy, I went
round to her house once and kissed her, but her
annoying brother yelled, “ STOP KISSING MY SISTER!!!!”
He yelled it so loud I bet china heard it. I don't
like going to her house anymore because her family is very

  1. Complete the Story Web
  2. “Josh did the right thing stopping Baggy Pants from
  3. kissing his sister”
Complete the chart and list your reasons for agreeing and
disagreeing with this statement
I agree with this statement because
I disagree with this statement because

it's none of his business.

She trying to find  romance

It's rude,

it might hurt her feelings

7. Give the story a rating out of 5 for each of the following criteria
(1 = weak, 5 = excellent)
  • CHARACTERS - has the author created interesting characters?  How?
  • STORY STRUCTURE - Does the story have an interesting problem and a
  • satisfying ending?
  • LANGUAGE FEATURES - Has the author used words in an interesting way
  • to tell the story?  Give examples
  • THEME - does the story have something important to say about how people
  • think and behave?  What is it?

Write a short review of this story based on the ratings you have
given it. This book is a 2 ¾  stars out of 5. I think this because
it doesn't make much sense and I dont think it's realistic. The
characters are interesting. The language features could of been
stronger and the author should have used more complicated
words to make the story interesting. The theme was weak and
could have used more explaining.